Events in Kitchen Assistant

Kitchen Assistant helps you plan a dining event from concept through completion.

Events and Kitchen Assistant
Creating an Event allows you to plan and manage a party in the same way that professionals do.
A Kitchen Assistant Event manages a party's guest list, the menu, the planning, the shopping and post party evaluation.
The Tools found in an Event include, a Menu, both planning analysis and planning feedback, a Shopping list, a preparation List and other tools. These tools guide you into a process used by professional party organizers.
Culinary intelligence is Kitchen Assistant's analysis of People, food and information collected about both. As you plan, Kitchen Assistant will give you feedback about your choices.
Guest List
Begin by adding the Hosts to the party
After adding hosts, you will be able to set the event address based on the available addresses for from the hosts.
Next add guests.
Once you add guests, you can go to "Planning" and see Kitchen Assistants use of Culinary Intelligence. Guests that you have added may appear here under certain conditions. If a guest has a birthday or anniversary within 7 days, they will be listed. Guests who have a bad history of party attendance will be listed so that you have he opportunity to see it and re-think the choice. Finally if two guests have social issues Kitchen Assistance will remind you about it.
To start a new menu, begin by adding courses and deciding the order that they will be served.
For each course, find and add recipes.
Find and add wine to any course that requires it. Continue until all of the courses have been set up.
Once you have set up a menu, you can go back to the event page and click on "Planning"
Kitchen Assistant will give you analysis about your menu choices. If a guest has dietary restrictions for a recipe, you will be informed. If you have served a dish or a component such as a sauce more then once to a guest, you will be informed.
Shopping List
After planning a menu, Kitchen Assistant will automatically generate a Shopping List.
You can add or remove additional items based on what you have in your pantry.
You can either print the shopping list or you can push it to your Kitchen Assistant Phone App.
While shopping if you can not find an item, you can push it to another member of your family so that they can purchase it.